How to send application logs to AWS SQS using log4j appender

Priyanka Paul
4 min readJan 22, 2021



  1. AWS SQS queue set up
  2. Log4j configuration
  3. Maven configuration

Enablement :

AWS Simple Queue Service set up:

Step 1: Once you logged in AWS account, navigate to IAM service from AWS console and check

if any IAM user exists or create a new IAM user

Step 2: click on the user name and go to summary and then Security credentials and Create Access ID. which will create a new Aws- Access ID and secret. Copy both the value or download the CSV file.

Step 3: Now navigate to AWS SQS service and create a new queue. Refer to the below screenshots for new queue creation.

Log4j configuration:

Step 1: Go to the mule application and navigate to log4j.xml under src/main/resources and

configure SQS log4j appender. This appender pushes all the application logs to specified Amazon

SQS Queue.

<Appenders><SQS name="sqs_cloud"awsAccessKey="${sys:awsAccessKey}"awsRegion="us-east-2"awsSecretKey="${sys:awsSecretKey}"maxBatchOpenMs="10000"maxBatchSize="5"maxInflightOutboundBatches="5"queueName="demoqueueservice"><PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601} %-5p PID[%X{correlationId}][%c{1}] - %m %n"/></SQS>

Step 2: We need to add some package information to support the mule- AWS SQS integration.

<Configuration packages=”com.avioconsulting.log4j”>

Step 3: Also include appender reference in Loggers section and define the log level of AsyncRoot

<Loggers><AsyncRoot level=”INFO”><AppenderRef ref=”file” /><AppenderRef ref=”sqs_cloud” /></AsyncRoot>

Maven configuration:

For the above configuration, you need to add a maven dependency in POM.XML



Refer to the sample application and complete log4j.xml file.

Refer to the sample Log4j.xml file. Here, you need to Provide the AWS Access ID ({sys:awsAccessKey}) and Secret key ({sys:awsSecretKey}) that received initially for an IAM user as runtime argument. Also, you need to specify a queueName and AWSregion.

<?xml version=”1.0" encoding=”utf-8"?><Configuration packages=”com.avioconsulting.log4j”><Appenders><RollingFile name=”file” fileName=”${sys:mule.home}${sys:file.separator}logs${sys:file.separator}xyz.log” filePattern=”${sys:mule.home}${sys:file.separator}logs${sys:file.separator}xyz-%i.log”><PatternLayoutpattern=”%-5p %d [%t] [processor: %X{processorPath}; event: %X{correlationId}] %c: %m%n” /><SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size=”10 MB” /><DefaultRolloverStrategy max=”10" /></RollingFile><SQS name=”sqs_cloud” awsAccessKey=”${sys:awsAccessKey}”awsRegion=”us-east-2"awsSecretKey=”${sys:awsSecretKey}”maxBatchOpenMs=”10000" maxBatchSize=”5"maxInflightOutboundBatches=”5"queueName=”demoqueueservice”><PatternLayoutpattern=”%d{ISO8601} %-5p PID[%X{correlationId}][%c{1}] — %m %n” /></SQS></Appenders><Loggers><AsyncRoot level=”INFO”><AppenderRef ref=”file” /><AppenderRef ref=”sqs_cloud” /></AsyncRoot></Loggers></Configuration>

Now while hitting the service the application logs will be sent to specified Amazon SQS Queue.

Console logs :

Queue logs:

Step 1: Click to queue name and navigate to the send and receive a message.

Step 2: Scroll to the receive message section and click poll for messages for getting any new message.

Log Message has 3 parts.

  • Details
  • Body
  • attributes

Details where you can check the AWS sender account ID, timestamp, size of a log message.

The message body will be shown in the Body section

Message attributes data will be shown in the Attribute section if present.


This is a custom appender for log4j. This appender pushes all the application logs to specified Amazon SQS Queue. This appender is very useful

* When you may want to store the logs somewhere other than in CloudHub

* You can also feed this Queue to any Log analyzers like Splunk, ELK

— — — — — — — Thank you for reading — — — — — —



Priyanka Paul
Priyanka Paul

Written by Priyanka Paul

Hello Techies, I love to learn and grow. Currently working as mulesoft Developer @Salesforce . I have experience in both backend(java) and middleware (MuleSoft)

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